Welcome to Nummuspay
In order to Complete your account setup, you have to create a Company and your First Project
Welcome to Nummuspay
In order to Complete your account setup, you have to create a Project
field is required
{{ checkoutLanguageDescription }}
Customer Details
FIRST NAME field is required
FIRST NAME must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerFirstNameDescription }}
LAST NAME field is required
LAST NAME must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerLastNameDescription }}
E-MAIL has wrong format
E-MAIL format is not valid
E-MAIL field is required
E-MAIL must be max 250 characters long.
{{ CustomerEmailDescription }}
PEC EMAIL has wrong format
PEC EMAIL format is not valid
PEC EMAIL field is required
PEC EMAIL must be max 250 characters long.
{{ CustomerPecEmailDescription }}
Business Details (if applicable)
VAT NUMBER field is required
VAT NUMBER must be max 50 characters long.
{{ CustomerVatNumberDescription }}
ORGANIZATION/COMPANY field is required
ORGANIZATION/COMPANY must be max 250 characters long.
{{ CustomerCompanyDescription }}
MAIN ACTIVITY field is required
MAIN ACTIVITY must be max 500 characters long.
{{ CustomerMainActivityDescription }}
TAX AUTHORITY field is required
TAX AUTHORITY must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerTaxAuthorityDescription }}
CODICE FISCALE has wrong format
CODICE FISCALE field is required
CODICE FISCALE must be between 11 and 16 characters long
CODICE FISCALE must be between 11 and 16 characters long
Codice Fiscale validation failed
{{ CustomerCodiceFiscaleDescription }}
CODICE UFFICIO field is required
CODICE UFFICIO must be between 6 and 7 characters long
CODICE UFFICIO must be between 6 and 7 characters long
{{ CustomerCodiceUfficoDescription }}
BUSINESS field is required
{{ CustomerBusinessIDDescription }}
WEBSITE has wrong format
WEBSITE field is required
WEBSITE must be max 1000 characters long.
{{ CustomerWebsiteDescription }}
PHONE has wrong format
PHONE field is required
PHONE must be max 40 characters long.
{{ CustomerPhoneDescription }}
Billing Information
BILLING ADDRESS LINE 1 field is required
BILLING ADDRESS LINE 1 must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerBillingAddress1Description }}
BILLING ADDRESS LINE 2 field is required
BILLING ADDRESS LINE 2 must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerBillingAddress2Description }}
BILLING COUNTRY field is required
{{ CustomerBillingCountryIDDescription }}
BILLING STATE field is required
{{ CustomerBillingStateIDDescription }}
BILLING CITY field is required
BILLING CITY must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerBillingCityDescription }}
BILLING ZIP CODE field is required
BILLING ZIP CODE must be max 50 characters long.
{{ CustomerBillingZipDescription }}
Shipping Information
{{ CustomerUseSameAsBillingDescription }}
You must check this before you can proceed
SHIPPING ADDRESS 1 field is required
SHIPPING ADDRESS 1 must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerShippingAddress1Description }}
SHIPPING ADDRESS 2 field is required
SHIPPING ADDRESS 2 must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerShippingAddress2Description }}
SHIPPING COUNTRY field is required
{{ CustomerShippingCountryIDDescription }}
SHIPPING STATE field is required
{{ CustomerShippingStateIDDescription }}
SHIPPING CITY field is required
SHIPPING CITY must be max 150 characters long.
{{ CustomerShippingCityDescription }}
SHIPPING ZIP CODE field is required
SHIPPING ZIP CODE must be max 50 characters long.
{{ CustomerShippingZipDescription }}
Pitchsend Tracker & Pitch Validation €69.00
{{ CouponDiscountText }}
{{ '- ' + cs + amountDisplay(CouponDiscount) }}
HAVE PARTNER CODE? field is required
{{ CouponCodeDescription }}
{{ CouponCodeError }}
{{ cs + amountDisplay(Total) }}